As most of you know, I’m now writing for No Ripcord, which means I’ve neglected the poor dancing gnome for a few weeks. As I fulfill the roles of writer, yoga instructor, obsessive job applicant, researcher, and overall lazy expat, I figured it would be a nice time to throw a quick Music For… sample up. This is music for dealing with change. I’m definitely not the only one that’s going through extreme transformations on a daily basis. I think I can safely say there’s an intense repositioning of the universe happening and all things familiar have gone AWOL . This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can throw us off our rockers for a while.

When I first heard The Tallest Man On Earth’s “Love Is All” I found it both powerful and sad, two very accurate descriptions for change. As Kristian Matsson sings with his Bob Dylan-esque tone, “I bet this mighty river’s both my savior and my sin.” Here’s to celebrating our latest bittersweet adjustments. I’m off to de-funk my house for two very important visitors. (A big thanks to Sophia Hopkins and the clan for helping me to accomplish these tasks with a hangover. Happy Birthday, buddy!)

The Tallest Man On Earth – Love Is All