I’m probably the last person in the world who should attempt to provide a workout playlist. Gyms are like churches to me: you go with good intentions, but you always end up bored and looking for some vice to distract you. I try not to pass through the thresholds of either establishments. On the other hand, I am a huge fan of using music as a motivational tool to move your body…  even if it takes you to a gym to run in place. Whatever blows your skirt up.

Lately, I’ve been strutting around Vondelpark to Clams Casino. This kid is basically doing this as a hobby. He’s a full time physical therapy student from Jersey who whips up a few beats in his spare time and then ends up on Pitchfork. Holding an appropriate title for this post, “Motivation” is a great song for a warm up (I guess). There’s a decent pace throughout, but it’ll break down and build back up again – increasing inspiration for activity. For some, this activity could involve a treadmill, for me it involves finding the perfect spot to lay down a blanket and take a nap. To each their own.

Motivation – Clams Casino


Star Slinger is another that can be used for this “working out” everyone speaks of. Really fun blend of techno-ambient-house-indie rock and he’s currently working on a hip-hop project. Personally, I think “Elizabeth Fraser” has great energy but it’s modest enough for background music. For those of you who like to make mental to-do lists while you’re weight training, this song will work.

Elizabeth Fraser (Cocteau Twins Rework) – Star Slinger